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Valérie FAUTRERO, Full professor of Management and Programme Director, Department of Economics Sciences and Management, University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès. She conducts research at CERTOP (PUMA). Her research focuses on the strategic management of ICT, through the market dynamics and the adoption of ICT. She’s also directed the Master Management de Projets Numériques.
Nour ALRABIE, MCF-Associate professor of Management and Programme Director, Department of Economics Sciences and Management, University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès. She conducts research at LEREPS.
Philippe ROUX, Professor of Accounting and Budget Management, Programme Director, Dean of the Department of Economics Sciences and Management, Jean Jaurès.
Thomas HOUY, MCF HDR-Associate professor of Management and Entrepreneurship, Telecom ParisTech, Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
Professionnal speakers
Julien CLOAREC, Professeur de Management iaelyon School of Management
Matias ESTANO, founder and CEO Le Starter, Toulouse.
Virgile FOUQUET, Data strategy & governnace consultant, Boulogne-Billancourt.
Kerry GAMON, Conceptor, digital prototyping and social innovation, RoseLab.
Thomas HOUY, Associate Professor in Management and Entrepreneurship, Telecom ParisTech.
Daye HUANG, visiting professor, University of Chongqing.
Anne-Sophie NANNE, Project Manager, Sopra Steria.
Jean-François PETILON, Engineer, Airbus Defense and Space, Toulouse.
Caroline PUYOU, CEO Enoline and consultant, Toulouse.
Ana SUAREZ ALVAREZ, visiting professor, Universidad de Oviedo.